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4 reasons subscription boxes for kids are the best tools to learn new skills

Girl opening Bitsbox

Subscription boxes for kids?! Turns out adults aren't the only ones that like getting presents in the mail every month!

Aside from being tons of fun, subscription boxes are great tools for teaching children new skills. Here are 4 reasons why:

1. It comes in the mail

Kids love getting mail that's addressed to them. The excitement that comes with opening a monthly present carries into their excitement to learn from the contents inside!

2. The monthly cycle re-engages kids

It's a challenge to get kids to stick with learning something new. Learning to play the piano, for instance, can go unpracticed (Grace can relate) unless your kiddo is highly self-motivated to do so. Most kids need encouragement to persevere with new challenges!

That's where monthly deliveries come in! At Bitsbox we send new app projects every month. Each box introduces different coding concepts with a new crazyfun theme. After observing hundreds of thousands of kids, we've found that it's not hard to get kids excited about coding, but it is hard to get them to stick with it. The proven solution is reigniting that excitement with a present in the mail, month after month.

With new challenges every month, we've seen engagement rates sky rocket—kids are more likely to learn and build their budding skills!

3. It feels like playing instead of learning

What comes after opening a new present? Playing with it!

Kids don't anticipate a homework assignment when they open a bright, colorful box in the mail. They're under the impression they just got a new toy, and they're eager to play with it! When kids are eager to play, they're much more likely to learn.

Afterall, a really smart woman once said "Play is the work of the child."

4. Kids don't grow bored

The dreaded 2 words from kids? "I'm bored."

Subscription boxes are guaranteed to alleviate boredom. Unlike a typical toy or video game, something new comes every single month. The variety keeps kids entertained and curious!

Bitsbox, for example, isn't a one-and-done product. Each shipment comes with more than enough app projects to last kids all month long. Even if they work through all of the projects, your subscription comes with full access to our website where they can build apps from scratch using their newfound coding knowledge!

Want to teach your kiddos a new skill? Try a subscription box! And if that new skill is coding, Bitsbox is calling your name.

Emma Erickson
About the author: Emma is a writer, T-Swift's #1 fan, and a longtime friend of Bitsbox. You can usually find her searching for snacks or riding her bike.
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