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Can learning to code make my child a better student?

Can learning to code make my child a better student?

Believe it or not, the school year is just around the corner, and we all want our kiddos to excel no matter what their interests.

Here are 5 skills learning to code can bolster in your child, and make them a better student this school year.

1. Determination

Code doesn't always work the first time you write it, but sticking with it and working through the mistakes will teach kids a valuable lesson: You don't have to be right the first time. Whether it's a math problem that takes a couple tries to get right or an essay that needs some extra proofreading, teaching kids the mindset that they can improve and become better at something with trial and error will help them to truly excel in class.

2. Problem solving

In coding, there are many different ways to code an app that does the same thing. Different combinations of coding commands can ultimately result in similar apps, and creative approaches to problem solving are certainly not limited to creating apps. Mathematics problems, especially at higher levels, often require an element of creativity to figure out how to break them down, and essays for history or english are improved by different perspectives. Knowing that there isn't just one way to solve something opens doors for kids to see things in new and interesting ways.

3. Independence

With the help of Bitsbox, kids can teach themselves how to code. They learn by actually typing and creating apps from the very beginning. Being able to learn in this self-driven manner is a skill that becomes increasingly important the higher in education students go, when teachers no longer guide kids through every step of an assignment. Ultimately, a self-driven attitude culminates in lifelong learners who see the value in teaching themselves something.

4. Concentration

Coding isn't easy. With Bitsbox, kids type code from app cards into the computer to create their apps, and it can sometimes take a while. This extended focus on an activity reinforces concentration skills, with the promise of a great payoff in the end.

5. Big picture thinking

When creating an app, individual parts fit together to create something complex. Each piece of the code contributes to the overall intent, just as a paragraph of an essay or a small science experiment are part of much bigger pictures. Knowing how to break down a large idea into smaller components to make them workable is a key tool for every student.

Your kids learning to code not only gives them a valuable technological skills, but also promotes other skills that will help your kid stand out in school this year and future years!

Hannah Jorgensen
About the author: Hannah works customer support, is the proud recipient of an English degree, and is learning to code with Bitsbox.
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